Thursday, September 16, 2010

Do you have the back to school blues?

If so, check out the new book display in the Teen Room!
  It is filled with books about students struggling through school.
Once you read a little about their lives, maybe you won't feel so bad about going to YOUR school!

Let us know what you think, or if there is another theme you think we should display!
Book Sale!

The Newark Public Library will be holding its annual fall book sale this weekend! We invite you to come take a peep through the books we'll have out ; who knows, you might just find a few good reads!

The dates are this Friday (September 17th), Saturday the 18th, and Monday the 20th.

We are also looking for volunteers to help us on Thursday (September 16th) with setting up tables and putting out the books. We'd appreciate any help we can get!

As always, if you have any questions or would just like to help out, you can stop in here at the library or give us a call at (315) 331-4370! Hope to see you here!

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Check out our new Registration Calendar!

From now on, the library will be registering patrons for events with our new library events calendar. The calendar can be accessed by clicking the "Calendar" tab at the top of the library's main blog page, by clicking the calendar on the right side of this blog or by clicking here!

From there, you can see all of the events that we have planned for the month. Not all programs and events require registration, those that do are underlined
You can register yourself for programs by clicking on the event you want to attend and filling out the short form!

Use the events calendar to sign  up for these fun programs, or feel free to call or stop by the library and we can register for you.

Please let us know what you think of this option!

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

We are happy to remind you that Story Time and Teen Time resume this week.

Story Time for 2 & 3 year olds take place every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10am.

Teen Time for teens in grades 6 and up are welcome every Wednesday from 3pm to 5pm.

Welcome to a wonderful Fall at the Newark Public Library!!!

Monday, September 06, 2010

The library is CLOSED today for the holiday!
We will be open tomorrow morning (Tuesday) at 9:30!
Enjoy your day everyone!

Thursday, September 02, 2010

We moved things around in the Teen Room!

We shifted things around so that there is more open space; it seems less crowded.
Check it out...

Please let us know what you think!