Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Teen Book Festival

Are you starting to get excited about the Teen Book Festival? This year it is being held on April 5, 2008 at Martha Brown Middle School in Fairport.

Want to know who is coming so you can start to read their books? If you come into the Teen Spot check out the display along the windows. You can also check out

This website has all the information one could possibly want to know about the festival. It has information about the time and the place, as well as a list of authors. It also has some TBF fun, including a game of hangman and an old-fashioned arcade classic "Whack-a-Mole", starring a TBF favorite.

Monday, January 07, 2008

Paperback Sale at Eastview Mall

Do you want to have fun at the mall and not hurt your bank account? The Newark Public Library is looking for volunteers for our paperback book sale held at Eastview Mall. The sale will take place at the mall in Victor on February 1st, 2nd and 3rd. You can sign up for a short shift any of these days. We are looking for volunteers of all sorts including retirees, moms and dads, young people and anyone who wants to lend a helping hand. High school students, if you are looking for volunteer hours, gather two of your friends and an adult and give us a call. Remember you can do something good for the community without spending a dime. Stop by the library or call us at 315-331-4370 to sign up.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Finding us on MySpace

If you want to be the library's friend on MySpace but don't remember the link below and you can't find us by doing a people search, here are two quick ways to find us!

1. On the top blue banner of the MySpace homepage, make sure the drop down menu on the right side says "MySpace", then type in Newark Public Library. From there we should be approximately the third or fourth one down.

2. If you click on the search option between 'browse' and 'invite' and want to use the find a friend option, make sure you are searching using the 'display name' option.

~Make sure to include the word 'public' in both of these searches, or you might end up being friends with the Newark library in California. Which wouldn't be a bad thing, per say!

If you any any other thoughts or ideas, let us know!