Friday, January 26, 2007

Teen Book Festival

Don't miss out on the 2nd Annual Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival!

Saturday, March 31st
10 AM - 5 PM
Fairport High School

Meet these great authors:
For more information, go to!

TBF LIVE! 2nd Annual Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival

Teens can sometimes be overlooked in libraries with much attention, money, and resources given to children and adults. To counter that, the Newark Public Library has joined forces with other Public and School Librarians across three counties to create a positive, cooperative opportunity dedicated to this age group.

TBF LIVE! The Greater Rochester Teen Book Festival is a day long celebration (Saturday, March 31st) featuring authors who write specifically for teens. The dynamic communication between the teens and the authors touches upon many important social issues such as diversity, gender identity, racism, and disabilities and build connections of understanding.

It is estimated that approximately 1,000 people will be attending the 2007 festival. Will you be one of them? If you are a Newark teen, interested in attending the festival but does not have transportation....never fear. The Newark Friends of the Library have generously donated money to provide transportation for area teens to attend the festival. If interested in getting a free ride to the festival, please contact Chris at the library 331-4370.

To see what award-winning authors will be participating in the festival & for more information, go to

Where has the time gone?

It seemed like only yesterday that the Summer Reading Program was winding down. Now we're all bunkered down indoors to get out of the freezing cold, snowy weather. BBBRRRR!!!!!

If you have not been to the Teen Spot lately, you must do so. The Teen Spot has taken over the staff area so that it is now twice as big as before. New carpeting has been installed, more seating & tables are available, and most importantly, lots of great books, magazines, graphic novels/manga, & new audiobooks!

Come visit us soon!